Join Maxwell's Cleaners - Your Universe Needs You!

People of the universe, your help is needed. Would you give a little time every day to protect the life you've come to know, and to prevent countless deaths in the future?

It has come to our attention that entropy increases every day, and that the ultimate fate of the universe is to die in the roiling chaos of heat death. We may have only 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,
000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years left!

Imagine the state this place will be in then: no stars to look up at, no planets to stand on, no plants, no animals, no life of any kind - just photons lying around all over the place, higgledy-piggledy.

Is this a future you want to leave for your children? If not, you can take action today - tidy up!

Tidiness is the enemy of entropy, because tidiness represents order. By spending as little as fifteen minutes a day tidying up you can strike a blow for order, and send a message to the forces of chaos that this is an important issue which people today take very seriously indeed.

You may think that fifteen minutes a day isn't enough, but don't forget that there are six billion people on earth. If everyone spent just fifteen minutes a day tidying up, we'd provide the equivalent of 1.5 million man years of effort every day!

How you can help:
  • Pick up rubbish and, if it looks like it should be in a bin, put it in a bin.
  • The information in a human brain is non-entropic, but can only exist when the human is alive. Don't die - or, if you have already died, try coming back to life.
  • Fold your t-shirts nicely and put them on a shelf.
  • Carry around two jars with you. If you see ionised atoms, don't just leave them that way - put those with too many electrons in one jar, those with too few in the other. Then later you can match them up and put all the electrons back where they should be.
  • Junk mail appears to contain information, but actually doesn't. Don't just throw it out - tidy it up first by sorting all the letters on every page alphabetically - all the a's first, then all the b's, and so on.
  • Try wrapping the sun in cling-film. That will keep it fresher for longer, and keep all the bits together rather than spreading them out messily across the solar system.
  • Comb your hair, hippy.

Working together, let's make entropy history!


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